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  • 01:32
In today’s world of marketing, we mainly hear about SEM and SMO. Even though banner advertisement doesn’t get much coverage nowadays, it is still a powerful way of bringing traffic to you site. Find a relevant portal and ask them to display your banner there. However, people will click it only if they will think that your banner looks professional. If you don’t design your banner professionally, it will be hard to win the trust of your market and make them click your banner.

Companies still rely on brochures to tell their story. Today, the speculation is online materials are preferred over printed materials. In fact, the case is the complete opposite. An article by Andrew Pugh of the Press Gazette talked about a survey that found 88% of magazine readers in the UK still prefer to consume articles via print.

Taking this survey into account, printed materials are still a great way to get your message across. Brochures are one way to inform potential customers about your company.

What you should include on a brochure:

Introduction: Introduce your company by answering these questions ...
Who are you? - Give the prospect a little history of your company.
What do you do? - Make this clear and to the point.
Why should a prospect utilize your company? - Layout your company’s competitive advantage.
How can you solve a prospect’s problems? - Describe exactly what you can do for your customers.
Where is your company? - Direct them to your location by including your company’s address and/or a small map. Of course include your web address.

Remember to keep your message concise. Brochures are for attracting customers to your business. Use a brochure to get people to the next step of contacting you, then hopefully making the sale.
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